D-Mannose預防膀胱炎甘露糖片 30粒 - Germanbuy HK 德國代購

D-Mannose預防膀胱炎甘露糖片 30粒


  • $108.00



The sanotact mannose capsules to ward off and reduce bladder problems in cystitis , help effectively and reliably to prevent and treat bladder and urinary tract discomfort. The mannose contained in the capsules binds to inflammatory bacteria. The pathogens can no longer adhere to the bladder wall and are flushed out of the body with the urine. The cause of inflammation is thus effectively combated. 


防止疾病,每天​​服用4粒膠囊(相當於2克總量)和200毫升水。 作為急性使用, 每天8粒膠囊(相當於4克甘露糖)。


不 推薦給18歲以下的兒童和青少年。懷孕和哺乳期間只能在諮詢你的醫生後使用本產品。在甘露糖過敏(過敏)的情況下,不能採取該準備。糖尿病患者應定期每天檢查一次血糖水平,並定期使用甘露糖,並在必要時諮詢主治醫師。腹瀉可能是潛在的副作用




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